When I was in college, I played in an orchestra concert, and afterwards a friend of mine in the viola section came up to me and said “My girlfriend was in the audience. She noticed you playing.” I was all flattered for a second, and then he broke the news. “She was like ‘who’s the freak show?'”
It took me a moment to realize what he was saying. 
It was me. I was the freak show. 
I hadn’t realized it, but when I play, I look freaking weird. 
Just try this mental image on for size. This is what that girl must have seen. Imagine an overweight guy with a white-man fro in a disheveled tuxedo. He is playing the violin madly and he has a crazy-looking lazy eye that wanders wherever it wants. And then, to top it all off he plays with his mouth open.

Seriously. I do. It’s weird. I can’t explain it.
And yes, that’s what she saw. 
I wish with all my heart I had a picture.
Instead, I have footage of me playing a few weeks ago. The angle doesn’t show my open mouth as blatantly, so you don’t see my “freak show” face in all it’s glory, but there are a few moments where you get the picture. Also, I weigh a lot less now. And you can’t see my crazy eye. But it’s still kinda fun. Plus, this is the fourth movement from the symphony I talked about in this post, so now you have a visual. Killing multiple birds with one stone. It’s what I’m all about.
(Decent open-mouth points: 2:14, 3:44 (kinda), 4:38--these are all okay. The best open mouth sequence starts at 5:09ish, plus there’s a glasses adjustment that makes me miss a note. LOVE IT.)
I should probably look up how to link those. 
Item #2 on the agenda: 
See how on top of things I am? Logo at the beginning of the sequence. BAM.

Okay, so it’s Saturday, which is admittedly a weird time to do a Friday’s Frequently Asked Question poll, but I’m a rebel who plays the violin with his mouth wide open, so what did you expect?
You know the drill. Ask questions (about anything). Do dittoes on questions you like. Question with the most dittoes wins. Voting’s open for 24 hours (which means halfway through Sunday. Weird.) I’ve loved the last few winning questions. Thanks for your creativity and ingenuity. Don’t be afraid. Ask! That’s the run down on how this whole thing works.
Any questions? 
(See what I did there?)
I feel the need to provide a picture of me earlier in life so you can see the mental picture necessary for the “freak show” comment.
I found a winner:
Well, hello there.

That’s me on the left. Dressed in a plaid shirt (which I wore every single day no matter what even at the beach, apparently). Check the white-man fro. Check the face. Now, imagine that face playing a violin, mouth agape, weird eye blowing in the breeze in a frumpy tuxedo.
That should give a better picture.